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Longhair Chihuahua Sketch
Here are some more sketches of our little dog, these were done while I was sitting on the floor and he was laying on top of my crossed legs, so here I am trying to sketch him and he is trying to go to sleep.
I think these chihuhua sketches came out pretty good given the short time I spent on them.
I am really liking that HB tombow mono 100 pencil, I think it has become my favorite pencil.
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Sherlock Hound – Hayao Miyazaki – Kyosuke Mikuriya
wow look at this, youtube has full episodes of the Sherlock Hound animation.
I have yet to see this, it has been on my “to watch” list, it sure is nice to know they are available online.
There have 26 episodes from season 1
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American Film Institute – 100 Years – 100 Movies
A couple of years ago I came across the American Film Institute list of 100 years 100 movies (PDF), and off an on I have attempted to watch all of them. The list I used apparently has been updated, they now have added new movies including Toy Story.
Back when I added the movies in Netflix not all of them were available but I believe there were about 80+ of them. I watched some when I was younger, so it was nice to be able to watch them again with a greater appreciation for what they have to offer.
Last few movies I have watched are: The Miracle Worker, A Place in the Sun, Easy Rider, My Fair Lady and Sweet Smell of Success.
If you ever get a chance you may want to watch a few, it is interesting to see how some things just never change, while others do.
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Earth Hour 2009
Just in case you have not heard, the WWF (World Wildlife Fund) is urging people of all ages, nationalities and background to turn off their lights for one hour on March 28th 2009 8:30PM (your local time), their goal for 2009 is for one billion people to participate.
Maybe ill try to do some art during that time using a dynamo LED lamp I got for Christmas, we shall see.
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Asifa SF and APE 2008 Events
This past Sunday was a busy day for me, I got the opportunity to attend two events both in San Francisco, California.
The first event was held at the Balboa Theater in San Francisco, it was a benefit for ASIFA SF, the Bay Area’s Animation Association. I attended the noon presentation of Richard Williams, author of The Animator’s Survival Kit and animation director of Who Framed Roger Rabbit
He showed various clips from his new DVD set The Animator’s Survival Kit – Animated and answered a couple of questions. It was an informative and entertaining presentation. There were some animation techniques that had not occurred to me that made sense, specially after watching the clip.
The second event was the Alternative Press Expo, an event that I have always wanted to attend, simply because I keep hearing about it and it is always after the event. I figured since I was already in San Francisco, why not, so off I went.
It was pretty interesting, a lot of comics and books of all different types, a bit overwhelming… I am not familiar with most of the artists that were present that day (except a few), simply because this is all new to me. It was entertaining to say the least, but i didn’t spend a lot of time, just walked around the whole place checking stuff out here and there. I also saw Enrico Casarosa, Dice Tsutsumi, Ronnie del Carmen and Scott Morse.
Enrico was kind enough to give me a copy of his new book The Venice Chronicles, very nice book, I like it very much. I had read the story online however it is always better to have the book at hand. Even now when I read it I laugh at one thing or another.
Below is a picture of the promotional DVD copy they gave away at that Richard Williams presentation, he was also kind enough to sign his book, the promo DVD leaflet or sketchbooks to those that asked.. yeah I too got a signature, the picture also includes Enrico’s book (psst… buy it!), and the APE pass.
All in all it was a very positive and different day, it was very empowering to be exposed to the work of various different artists. My respect goes to all of you for taking the time to express yourselves.
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Thanks to Life – Gracias a la Vida
Thanks to life for giving us so much… opportunities, challenges, experiences both good and bad…
Sometimes we are too busy with everyday worries, we miss the beauty around us, the joy of being alive, to enjoy life at its most simple form, to simply be aware of the miracle of our existence.
Today I thank life, for what I have and for that which I don’t, for the happy moments and the sad ones too, for the past opportunities as well as those yet to come.
May we all find joy and happiness in our life today and every other day.
I hope you enjoy this song, it seems the person who uploaded the song, also translated the lyrics in English/Portuguese (at the actual youtube page).
source link: Mercedes Sosa – Gracias a La Vida
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