Someone just shared a link to this exhibition in the UK, and as I was watching the video below I remember I had seen his work before. It turns out I saw it on Art21 via Netflix. It is...

Gabriel Orozco – Tate Mo...
Stargazing in November
Amazing Clouds
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Connecting the dots

Many months ago I found myself dealing with a fork in my life path and during a walk through a street in Emeryville, CA. I came across the following message on the ground.
“What would you follow if there were no lines on your road?”
– Chris Lattanzio 2007
I made a note of that message and continued walking.
A few days after the Emeryville, CA. encounter, I came across the following video of Steve Jobs.
“You cannot connect the dots looking forward, you can only connect the dots looking backwards.”
To this day both the message and the video add perspective as I move through life both artistically and professionally.
I hope they can be of help to you as well.
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Alcatraz – San Francisco – Quick Sketch
Below is a quick sketch of Alcatraz as viewed from the Marina Green parking lot from April 2010. This was done after attending the ad:tech conference.
Moleskin and Tombow Mono 100 2B
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Sketching while waiting
I believed I mentioned a while back that I carry a small pocket size sketchbook and a sepia micron pen in the glove compartment of my car so that I can sketch while waiting at various locations and/or to capture some quick idea.
Below is a set of sketches I did back on March 2009 and April 2010, most of them were created while waiting at the DMV office and a few other waiting rooms, in no particular order (hence capturing mainly their backside).
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Paul Dateh – Top 40 Violin mashup
A few minutes ago I came across this video from Paul Dateh which I found quite interesting.
I told my wife you must stop what you are doing and come over and watch this because this is an inspiration, It took a little convincing but once she started watching she didn’t stop.
We both love violin music and while this is Top 40, we were impressed with Paul’s presentation of his effort. He definitely deserves more attention.
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Modern Times – Charlie Chaplin
A few weeks ago I had the opportunity to view this movie Modern Times – Charlie Chaplin. It is quite amazing that after some 70+ years a movie can still be funny and enjoyable to watch.

I still have a few movies more to watch from my long list.
What other silent movies would you recommend?
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Happy New Year – 2010
Greetings !!!
Happy New Year – 2010!
We have left behind another calendar year. During that time, various things have occurred. We laughed, we created, we learned, we experienced, we faced challenges, we faced fears, and we moved ahead.
No matter what the challenges, we did what we could to make the experience better, we forged ahead despite difficulties (regarding learning or life in general) and here we are, ready to keep on moving.
I have been formulating a post in my mind and just when I think it is the time to post it, something else happens that makes me realize that perhaps it is not yet the appropriate time.
I have come across a few books with very interesting information that has impacted the way I further view art, experiences, life, etc., or perhaps remind me of how I may have seen it before.
Next few posts will be about them, in the mean time…
Carpe Diem
If you have not seen the movie, it is recommended.
Thank you for your readership.
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Local Color – Great Movie
Yesterday I had the opportunity to watch a great movie called “Local Color” – A very uplifting story of a younger person wanting to learn how to paint and an alcoholic painter who has giving up on art and life.
This movie was rented via Netflix, if you have the ability to watch it, I highly recommend it… this movie will definitely be an addition to our collection in the future.
“Don’t you let anyone ever talk you out of what you want to do, what you want to be” – Quote from the movie.